Monday, October 24, 2005

The sorrows of Nigeria

What a tragic weekend it has been for Nigeria. To have 117 people die in a plane crash it just breaks my heart and I have just found out that a cousin of mine was on the flight.

But after all is said and done, I do marvel that plane this sort of tradegy has managed to have been averted for so long given the poor maintenance records we have in relation to state of our aircrafts. Air travel is seen as no more different than from catching a taxi on the streets of Lagos. How many flights have I been on where the plane has been stopped half way through its taxi down the runway because some big man came late for the flight, or one more person has been able to get hold of a ticket at the last minute. I have witnessed on board fist fights, oxygen masks hanging down from the panel above my head, people sitting in the toilet because there are no more seats left on the aircraft. How many planes did I fly on with no seat belt, or had water leaking in through an ever so tiny crack in the port window? I just shudder to think about it.
And what is done about it… nothing. For me, the aircrafts in Nigeria remain in the sky as a result of the prayers said by passengers during the flight and I have been a sayer of many of those prayers.

I just hope that this tragedy will cause the NAA and the minister of Aviation to sit up and DO SOMETHING and be less concerned about lining their pockets. If it were any other country, they would be calling for the ministers resignation right now!

And then the news about the death of Stella Obasanjo. I will be brutally honest, shall I?

I was initially shocked when I heard about her death because she always presented as a very healthy, bubbly woman and to hear that she was dead out of the blue was very disconcerting. However, I cannot lie and say that I was grieved or particularly touched on an emotional level by it because at the end of the day what really did she represent for our Country and Nigerian women in particular. She had the power and the means to bring about positive change for our Country but all it appeared that she ever seemed to do was attend numerous parties weekend in, weekend out. She attended any function going. Thanks to The Bisi Olatilo show on BEN TV which brings into our homes every Sunday night snippets of all the ‘it’ parties that have been held the prior weekend Nigeria and more often than not, there was Stella beaming out at us at almost all of them.

Now I am almost glad that I didn’t expend much energy mourning her death because I have just found out that her death was caused by complications arising from plastic surgery!! I am furious. You rob the poor to fund trips to Spain to undergo plastic surgery???!!!! Uncle Shege, haba??? I am so mad I cannot even waste my time blogging about it.....



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